A broiler is any chicken that is bred and raised specifially for meat production. And we need a lot of them. According to The National Chicken Council, Americans will consume 112.5 lbs. of poultry per capita every year.

The Farmers

Having heard horror stories for years, as we all have, about how these birds are treated, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect while getting a behind the scenes look at this industry. The pleasant surprise was the men and women who worked and often lived on the farms with these birds.

Someone like Bob here knew every detail about the birds he had under his watch; the temperature of the water they liked to drink, the way they preferred the sunlight in the afternoon. He was proud of his craft and someone I'd want looking over something I may eventually consume. He also had a Daffy Duck sticker on his hardhat. Bonus Points.

Turkeys Are Mean

This was a fun fact I was unaware of. I heard of their ill-tempered personalities from a few farmers, but one the foremen I met told me how he had to wear thick sweat pants under his coveralls because when he would go in to feed the turkeys, they would peck at his legs in anticipation. And these were not small birds.